Tuesday, October 17, 2017

10 Years a Barista

          I'm coming up on ten years working as a Barista in its many fashions. Starbucks introduced me to the possibilities of the coffee culture, the third space, the engagement with community and potential for some good samaritan work. After this I moved into management with other companies until I found my way to managing my own cafe in Boulder. As oftentimes happens with small companies I was forced into a realization of self-worth. I've moved on from that space and have spent the last three years searching for the atmosphere that befits my work as a Barista the best way possible. I'm happy to say I'm in that shop now.
          Several factors have made where I work now, Red Frog Coffee, an especially brilliant coffee shop. The sourcing of our beans from Conscious Coffee in Boulder starts a foundation for a level of excellence I wish to provide in whatever I send out into the world. The focus of the Red Frog is about the customers, looking to break into new products as desire arises, staying at the forefront of coffee knowledge, world events, and weather (especially), and engaging with our customers as friends, neighbors, colleagues in the world at large, and family when the time arises. Finally, in a space so close to home, I am interacting as I desire in a job. Though my time in this place is limited, I know it will be rewarding, fulfilling, and inspiring!
          This post is the emergence of that inspiration into reality (even if it is digitally). I am redesigning how I interact with this blog, The All-Encompassing Barista Chats (or ÆBC's), and will bring the level of conversation and thought into this digital landscape with you, dear reader; so if you have questions or thoughts you want me to dive into please let me know! I'm craving the experience of diving into this mode of action and thought with you and my customers.
          And as an added benefit, stop by my store and mention that you heard about me from my blog. I may just hook you up with some extremely delicious coffee!

          So for my 10 Year Anniversary of Barista-ship I'm revitalizing my blog. I hope to have you along for the conversation.